We had a small snowfall in late January (photos from the much bigger March snowfall will be posted later!), and the boys just loved it!

This photo is special to me because the wagon was a gift from my Dad for Christmas 2007. We have a photo of Gabriel and Luke in it last winter, and this photo looks almost identical to it except that the boys are bigger!

Luke's godfather (Lonnie's friend Charlie) sent him a gift of some really awesome art supplies. I have never seen these guys so excited to color and paint! (Please excuse the mess in the background...I told you our home has not been really clean since my sister left!)

I like to take these cheesy pictures so we can see how the baby grows. I'm horrible at taking them on the actual month-birthday though...so consider the signs to all be approximations!

I like to take these cheesy pictures so we can see how the baby grows. I'm horrible at taking them on the actual month-birthday though...so consider the signs to all be approximations!
Random Luke cuteness
On Valentine's Day, we all attended the birthday party of Gabriel's best friend, Kira. We were a little nervous about keeping track of all 3 boys in a crowded play place, but it was a lot easier than we'd expected! They were well-behaved and everyone had a blast (even James, who was all decked out in Valentine's attire). :)

JAMES OVERLOAD!! I can't help it...I just adore this little guy!
Okay, I realize I'm still a month behind, but some of the pictures I still want to add deserve their own posts. My goal is to be completely caught up before I go back to work, which happens on March 26th. Stay tuned!
The photos look great and I really like the color scheme you chose for the layout. I'm not one to say much seeing that I am about two months behind in my own posts, but I recommend making them whenever you get a chance. Believe me, in a couple of years you'll look back and be glad you put something down. I think of mine as a simply personal journal that is public. I cannot remember the teacher's name but I remember being required to write one for a semester in freshman English class in the annex building. Somewhere around here I even still have my list of lifetime goals that our sophomore Religion teacher had us make (around the same time as the egg baby assignment). Funny how some things can stick with you.